Custom Digital Vision Board

By Award Winning Graphic Designer, Illustrator 

and Published Recording Artist, Christine Leakey

What will you get? 

Christine will collaborate with you to design a beautiful high resolution
Digital Vision Board. She loves making a positive difference in the world and looks forward to working with you!

Custom Designed Samples

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From Vision

to Fruition

Why work with Christine?

One of Christine’s greatest life passions is creating a better world through art. From a young age, she documented her goals and dreams by writing things down and producing various types of what is now known as vision boards. Life has shown her again and again that when she maintains a positive mindset, her ability to alchemize the seemingly impossible into I am possible arrives with greater ease.

Christine’s life pivoted when she lost her brother to cancer, then two weeks after his death she survived a car accident. She began to assess and reflect upon life’s purpose and delicate balance. She went within and considered ways to bring more positivity into this world. She realized just how precious her younger self was to create visions that manifested through hope which has led to here and now. Her own dreams have bloomed with a desire to help others take action and create their own destiny through Digital Vision Board. 


I'm Possible!

What sparked Digital Vision Board?

“My mother knew I would grow up artistic from the day I began to whistle melodies at ten months old and draw human figures at two years old. By ten, I began doing commission work after learning to paint acrylic on canvas and mastering fonts in private calligraphy lessons. Since graduating from Graphic Design and New Media, I have designed for a diverse repertoire of clients from individuals and start-ups to Internationally known brands. I taught myself guitar and have written hundreds of songs that I have been independently recording with Grammy talent. Creating a Digital Vision Board can help with all of these life goals and more.” ~ Christine

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